A block means, constant application of N vehicles throughout the entire line blocking time period. N is the number of block days. It does neither depend on the line blocking time period nor on the length of the calendar. The attribute Number of block days reflects the vehicle demand which arises for a block. In Image 191, a train travels from Hamburg to Vienna on block day 1. On block day 2 the same train is not available again to travel the same route, but has to travel in the opposite direction from Vienna to Hamburg first. It is therefore necessary to implement a second train, thus the vehicle demand is two vehicles.
Image 191: Block days and vehicle demand
A block possesses the attributes described in Table 223.
Attribute |
Description |
Block version ID / code |
Reference to the block version, which the block belongs to. |
Vehicle combination number |
Vehicle combination which is used to run a block. A block can be run by only one vehicle combination, but possibly by several instances of this type. |
Number of block days |
Specifies, how many (similar) vehicle combinations are being used simultaneously for this block, how high therefore the vehicle demand is for the block. Closed blocks have arrived back at the starting position after this number of days. |
Closed |
Specifies whether the block was created for a closed time axis, that is, whether the first day follows after the last day of the line blocking period, in the same way as the assignment. |
Depot number |
Refers to a stop point, which is used as a depot for this block. |
Empty trip TSys code |
Specifies which transport system should be used within check line block when calculating the empty trip. The value is applied from the procedure parameters for line blocking. It can also be inserted directly for manual planning. |
Not checked |
Specifies, whether the block was checked (0) or not (1). |
Has vehicle fault |
Specifies, whether an incorrect vehicle was used in the block (Line block check). |
Has layover time fault |
Specifies, whether values were below pre- or post-preparation times (Line block check). |
Has empty day fault |
Specifies, whether a block day without line block items exists (Line block check). |
Has time fault |
Specifies, whether a time fault exists (Line block check). |
Has location fault |
Specifies, whether a location fault exists (Line block check). |
Has limit fault |
Specifies, whether one of the thresholds for the length or the threshold for the duration of a user-defined block item was exceeded (Line block check). |
Has forced chaining fault |
Specifies, whether a valid forced chaining which was not adhered to, exists (Line block check). |
Has running direction fault |
Specifies, whether a running direction fault exists (Line block check). |
Has vehicle exchange |
Specifies, whether the block was created with or without vehicle exchange and if therefore, the vehicle combination has to be compared against the vehicle journey section attribute vehicle combination or the attribute vehicle combination set. |
Regard running direction |
Specifies, whether the running direction is relevant for the check of this line block. Otherwise, the line block check cannot detect a running direction fault. If the running direction is not relevant (buses, for example), this portion of the line block check can be disabled via this option (Line block check). |
From stop point number and name |
Specifies at which stop point the block starts. For closed blocks, this complies with the To stop point. |
To stop point number and name |
Specifies at which stop point the block ends. For closed blocks, this complies with the From stop point. |
Start day index |
Starting day index of the block referring to the line blocking time period of the block version. For closed blocks, the value is always 1. |
Start time |
Start time of the block, therefore start time of the first block item. For closed blocks this is usually midnight, unless a vehicle journey block item exceeds 24 hours on the last day. |
End day index |
End day index of the block referring to the line blocking time period of the block version. For closed blocks, the value is always equal to the number of days in the line blocking time period. |
End time |
End time of the block, therefore end time of the last block item. For closed blocks this is usually 24:00:00, unless a vehicle journey block item exceeds 24 hours on the last day. |
Empty trip time |
Cumulative time, which is accumulated by empty trips and user-defined block item types of the block. |
Empty time |
Cumulative time, which is accumulated by layovers and layover times, as well as by empty trips and user-defined block item types of the block. |
Mean empty time |
Empty time / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Mean empty trip time |
Empty trip time / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Empty kilometers / miles |
Cumulative distance, which is covered by empty trips and user-defined block item types of the block. |
Mean empty kilometers / miles |
Empty kilometers / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Out-of-depot time |
Cumulative time, which is accumulated by block items of a block. Layovers are not taken into consideration. |
Mean operating time |
Mean operating time per block day and calendar day (cumulative operating time divided by the number of block days and the number of days of the line blocking time period). |
Operating kilometers / miles |
Summed up distances covered by all block items of a block. |
Mean operating kilometers / miles |
Operating kilometers / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Service time |
Sum of run times of the vehicle journeys of a block. |
Mean service time |
Service time / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Time outside depot |
Block time minus time in depot |
Mean time outside depot |
Time outside depot / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
Service kilometers / miles |
Sum of the length of all vehicle journey block items of a block. |
Mean service kilometers / miles |
Service kilometers / (Number of block days • Number of line blocking time period days) |
cycle time |
Total block time. Number of days in the line blocking time period • Number of block days |
Number of lines |
Number of lines, which are used by the block. |
Number of line routes |
Number of line routes, which are used by the block. |
Number of time profiles |
Number of time profiles, which are used by the block. |
Number of service trips |
Number of vehicle journey block times, which are run by the block. |
Cost distance |
Kilometer costs of the block, which result from the traversed service and empty kilometers (Image 210). |
Cost vehicle |
Vehicle costs, which result from the number of required vehicles and the fixed costs for a vehicle unit (Image 210). |
Cost vehicle referring to the line blocking time period |
Cost vehicle projected to the line blocking time period |
Cost Time |
Hourly costs, which result from the time required for vehicle journeys and empty trips. |
Cost time with layover |
Hourly block costs which arise from the vehicle journeys and empty trips, as well as from downtimes within or outside of a depot accumulated time periods. |
Leading depot number |
Depot with the longest dwell time. For ambiguity, the depot with the smallest number. |